How do you build a personal brand? It’s all about getting your name (or the name of your company or product) before as many people as possible. That makes your personal brand a valuable commodity that merits attention.
It may not result in publishing or getting TV interviews, but it does spread the word among your target audience. You set a foundation that lets potential customers know just who you are the what they might expect in an interaction with you. Be honest. If you are laid back and casual and prone to pass on the white shirt and tie bit, say so. You know who you want to impress and they’ll appreciate a straightforward persona.
Ryan Thogmartin, founder and CEO of two innovative companies, DISRUPT Media LLC and Connection Directors LLC, offers suggestions on effective use of social media to enhance your business.
Satisfied Customers
In many businesses, 80 percent of new clients are generated by satisfied customers who pass their impressions along. Word of mouth is the vehicle. In today’s world, social media is how that word of mouth gets around, Thogmartin says. The networking and building via social media is not selling. But when people become aware of you and your product they are likely to remember when they are in the market for what you offer.
Social media gives you the advantage of controlling what others see and hear when they search your name. Build a solid plan around the message you share with them to assure that what they see is what they get if they choose to do business with you. Use your personal Facebook profile to share video, blogs and opinions that broaden your exposure. When it’s appropriate, share posts from your business, making the subtle connection between your as a person and what you do. People who come to trust your personal brand will automatically transfer their opinions to your business brand.
Protecting your reputation is a consideration. Be circumspect in what you post on social media. You are sharing little snippets of what you are as a person and the transfer to what you are as a businessman/woman or business should not be an embarrassment. What you place on social media tends to be around for a long time and you don’t want to be caught up short. Among those likely to see your social media postings are family members, business and church associates, customers and those who might consider becoming customers.
Warren Buffet said it succinctly: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
Using social media to build your personal brand is more important now than ever, Thogmartin says. If you don’t do it effectively now, you can bet your competition is on the move via the route you have neglected. is a brand that offers many cheap checks from a variety of check printing companies. Their brand is built strictly on a huge database of high quality persona checks and business checks.
What brands are you attracted to and why?